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And thank you for being here! The Diary of a Soloprenor isn’t just my monologue about the business world but rather a space for exchanging ideas. It’s a place that aims to add value through small capsules of information—not too short, not too long—touching on various aspects influencing our lives these days as freelancers/soloprenors. This newsletter stemmed from the need for a cleaner and more tailored source of inspiration, something that’s often missing in the social media or online press I used to follow. It’s where you retreat with a flat white or chai latte, wrapped in a blanket, in your cozy corner, allowing yourself to freely explore. At least, that’s how I like to imagine you’ll savor it.

You might or might not be a freelancer yet; the name comes from the fact that the freelancer status dictates my entire life, so this is the lens through which I view things. This lens will somewhat reflect the type of content you’ll find in your inbox once a week. Everything you’ll read/discover in the emails I send is tested, tried, and personally discovered by me, so it’s all curated by yours truly. You don’t have to like or relate to everything you’ll read here, so any reply with a better idea/solution is highly appreciated.

What do we talk about in The Diary of a Soloprenor
  • Behind-the-Scenes – glimpses into my own freelance journey, including successes, failures, and the day-to-day experiences.
  • Freelancer Recommendations: Curate recommendations based on my experiences—books, tools, courses, or services that have personally benefited me.
  • Unfiltered experiences with the government, clients, or suppliers and what I’ve learned from them.
  • Work-life Balance – resources for maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life, managing stress, and avoiding burnout.
  • Networking Opportunities – events, forums, or online communities where freelancers can connect, collaborate, and seek support.
  • Marketing and Branding – strategies for self-promotion, branding, and marketing to attract clients and stand out in the market.
  • Productivity Tools – insights into new tools, apps, or software that can streamline workflow and boost productivity.
  • Client Management – tips on managing client relationships, effective communication, and handling diverse client expectations.

See what subscribers had to say about it ⬇️

„foarte mișto newsletter-ul! partea cu finanțele, cu compromisurile, lupta dintre emoții și rațional cu joburile. am completat și o chestie din aia de human design, am să-l citesc diseară când ajung acasă.”


„Voiam doar să-ți spun ca îmi place mult newsletter-ul si îl citesc cu drag de fiecare data! (printre puținele, de altfel). Happy Women's Day!”


„mi-a plăcut mult poza din newsletter, cea cu suportul. și îți urmăresc jurnalul, este inspirațional.”

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