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Did I choose writing or did it choose me?

If in the past I casually and somewhat arrogantly said that I chose my profession, in reality, writing not only chose me but also continuously saved me in nearly every stage of my life. I was a ‘special’ kid; I was born (or not) with stuttering, a condition that places you on the edge between a child with special needs and normalcy. Stuttering is a form of speech impediment that doesn’t always allow for coherent speech and significantly hampers communication and the formation of dialogue.

This condition made it much easier for me to express myself in writing, to have a unique sensitivity when it comes to the words I use and hear, and to find refuge among the pages of journals I used to write. I grew up with this affinity, unsure of what to do with it next. Only after finishing high school, after exhausting all attempts to choose a profession, did I realize that words were all I had left, and they would take me somewhere, someday.

Although tempted to say it was a rather wavering path, looking back, I realize that every small decision brought me here and that my love for communication, words, and writing nurtured me, refined me, and shaped my way of seeing life. That same perspective that brought this business to life in 2020.

What do I actually do?

For some, I simply write; for others, I create the entire communication strategy. It depends on what you need and where you stand with your business.

If you already have an effective digital communication strategy that works well but need an ultra-organized individual who understands the digital environment and the symbiosis between creativity and planning, let’s talk. Together, we can implement everything, based on the time, budgets, and resources available to us. Whether with your team or mine.

If you don’t have a well-defined strategy but understand the crucial need for one, I’m here to help you better understand your needs, define your objectives more clearly, and then identify the best tools, words, or platforms to promote your business. Whether with your team or mine.

If you simply need someone good with words, as I am described by anyone who knows me or has worked with me, I’m here to fit everything you know about your business into coherent content, whether for your website, social media, a press release, or Google ads. All I need is a brief and a deadline, and you can consider everything already done.

A few words about how I got here today, from a professional standpoint.

I’ve been writing for others, and sometimes for myself, for 8 years now. My first job was during college, as a junior editor at the glossy magazine Tabu, back in the time when it existed in physical format. After a year, I had the opportunity to take over the marketing department at Ghidul Miresei, where, alongside the quarterly magazine, I managed the business’s social media accounts.

It was there and then that I fell in love for the first time with everything related to digital communication—the online dynamism, the versatility of formats, and all the innovations this mode of promotion brings. It wasn’t more than a year before I completely migrated to digital agency life and left the editorial world behind. Six years later, here I am, still as in love as ever with what I do every day.

In these 6 years, I’ve worked in two multinational corporations and a local business, but I’ve also taken on projects as a freelancer.

I’ve had the opportunity to engage with brands like Mercedes Benz, smart, RoadStars, Electrica, WorldClass, LEGO DUPLO, Tinmar Energy, Caroli (corporate), Fundația Groupe Renault România, Brown Forman, Oregon Park. At the same time, I’ve also worked with smaller local businesses or NGOs, especially as a freelancer, collaborating with Narada (education NGO), Save the Children, Roomzia (interior design), Exit by Choice (business consultancy), PurpleVague (tourism), Romanian Game Developers Association, Upgrade100, Universum (GoTech World, Bucharest Tech Week, Virtualized), WishFest, Vadoo Chill Fest, Grădina cu Artiști, Intercereal (agriculture), MediJobs, and various other smaller or larger projects.

If you want to see exactly what I’ve done for each client, the button below will directly take you to my portfolio.

Soft Skills:

  • Time Management
  • Adaptability
  • Self-discipline
  • Resilience
  • Problem-solving
Hard Skills:

  • Social Media
  • Copywriting
  • Content writing
  • Digital strategy
  • Influencers marketing
  • Project Management
Career Highlights
Part of the team that won the third place at Webstock with the smart and #getsmartED campaign in 2017.
I was a mentor at MentorIAA within the International Advertising Association Romania for students in communication and public relations in 2018.
I volunteered at CreateAthon powered by Kaufland, where, together with the team I managed, we developed a website in 24 hours for the ADDIP NGO.
Over time, I've had a multitude of clients among the most visible brands on Social Media, according to Zelist.
Random stuff about myself

I’m an extremely curious person, and that has always guided me. I’m deeply excited about new things and love the idea of exploring, being a nomad, and gathering diverse experiences. At the same time, stability, connection, and community are fundamental to me. Some might say that my zodiac sign and ascendant are responsible for this contrast.

Among the thoughts and passions that occupy my mind daily, art is included. I find discussions about creativity and local artists very soothing. I’ve attended a barista workshop, I have a vinyl collection, and I paint on ceramics to relax, despite not being very handy. I’ve also found target shooting to be relaxing. I advocate for sustainability as a way of life, and clarity and simplicity guide many of my decisions. I have a personal project called #OneGoodDeedPerMonth, where I do something for the community every month—whether it’s donating to a cause, volunteering, or helping an NGO with social media.

Traveling is the greatest reward for me, so I make sure to constantly delight my soul with city breaks and mini vacations all around the world.

Press page

Finally, I’ll leave you with several interviews I’ve given over time. It seems I’ve managed to inspire a few people with what I do, so if you want to read my perspectives on entrepreneurship, creativity, and freelancing, take a look below!

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